Review: the Country Cat Cafe, Setapak, KL.

September 13, 2014

Honestly, I went here in March. so memang hilang ingatan dah la pasal ni.but i'll try my best to give my review on this.since i had been pledging to my mom, and now my husband, to have a pet cat, but neither will let me have one :( so when i told about this cafe to my husband, he agreed to bring me here but still, NO cats at home. aa papejela. boleh la cafe pun janji dapat jumpa kucing. (padahal pasar pun ada lol)

anyhow, do you know we have a cat cafe in Malaysia?haha i bet by this time dah popular dah pun cafe ni. for a starter, ok lah kut pegi sini. tapi jangan la expect macam cat cafe kat korea nun, atau di jepun nun. you know what i mean when you come here. hehe.

entrance fee, i couldn't remember but i think around rm15 per person (includes snacks for the cats and drinks for the human). we had to sanitize our hands first and wear the ready slippers they've provided (hygine issue). and then, take your time to destress with the cats...there should be more cats but when i went, it was like only a few left, and they were skinny. i mean looking at their breed aren't they suppose to be chubbier?ntah lah, maybe they were on a diet or something...*positive* 

the cafe in setapak.sebelah pizza hut ye.

yes human, there there!

siamese female cat.

and our attempt to take selfie with her.

the overall space.

the american curl breed.mahal ni.

and lastly the complimentary drink.

well overall:

Rate of service: (3/5) .average.
Would I recommend it to you: I would if you really, really,really into cats.if you don't,then just go to the nearest pasar or friend's house with cats then.

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